Arivaca Fire District Maps
Map of our ALS - CON
A map of our district
The Arivaca Fire District is a combination Fire Department that responds to all hazards within a 612 square mile response area in Pima and Santa Cruz counties of Arizona, which is about 50 miles south of Tucson. The Fire District itself is 14 square miles and was formed in 2009. The District is surrounded by Federal and State trust lands.
Currently the department has Full-time, Stipend, & volunteer Firefighter/EMT on our roster:
We maintain at least two personnel on duty at all times to provide fire and EMS response 24 hours per day/7 days per week.
The majority of our service requests are for emergency medical incidents, which account for 85% of our total call volume with an average of 210 total requests per year. Due to the remote location of Arivaca approximately 12% of our EMS transports result in the patient being flown by helicopter to a hospital in Tucson.
We also are the primary provider of EMS ground transports for our service area since December 2013. On average, a transport takes 3 hours from the time of dispatch to the time the crew is back in quarters. This is due to the travel distance to the nearest hospital in Tucson being approximately 30 miles each way.
In 2016, we had 123 EMS calls of which 74 calls had a response time of 10 minutes or less for the entire 612 square mile service area. This is the time from receiving the dispatch to our first unit being on scene.The AFD strives to meet the NFPA 1720 standard, of a 14 minute response time* for rural areas, for emergent service requests.
In 2016 we met this standard 76% of the time for emergent service requests within 8 miles of the station.
* The 14 minutes applies to responses within 8 miles of the station, for areas further away additional travel time is added.